Friday, May 30, 2014

Summer Camp - Official Flyer

A Wonderful & Creative Experience

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Art in a Box Co.

Summer Registration Form 2014


Workshop Name: ____________________________Week:____________________Total Fee:$ ______

                                    Early Registration:  Y / N    Sibling Discount: Y /N    Deposit: Y / N



Date of Birth: ____________Age:____________  M / F    Grade:______ School:____________________


Contact Information

1.Parent/Guardian  Name: __________________________Home#_______________Cell#___________

2.Parent/Guardian Name:___________________________Home#_______________Cell#___________

Emergency Contact(if different from above)________________________________________________


Medical Information

Name of Doctor: ______________________ Location:________________________Tel#_________________________

Name of Dentist:______________________Location:_________________________Tel#________________________



Pick-Up Information: If assigned pick-up person is different than parent, please provide their information. 

           Also, please provide a note for day(s) of pick-up.

Name:__________________________________ Relation:___________________ Contact #:_____________________
I give my child,______________________, permission to participate in the summer camp at Art in a Box Co. I agree to comply with all program rules and hereby indemnify and hold harmless the staff, management, and visiting specialist(s) from any and all liability for injuries incurred at the camp or off-site locations affiliated with camp.
Parent Name: print______________________Parentsignature__________________________Date:______

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Playdate Party

Playdate @ the Box

Celebrating Riley's 9th Birthday

Riley & Friends enjoy a playdate birthday @ Art in a Box Co.

Party girls enjoying chalk & mask time.
Creative time for the party project.

         Creating colorful Polyhedrons.        
                                   Spirited game of pick-up.                                     


Thursday, May 1, 2014


We had an information table & art table for the kids

Ossining Earth Day at Engle Park on the River
 Event Doubling in Size!!!

Decorating & Play with Paper Streamers